Sunday, February 03, 2008

arthur and the street musician

today, echi introduced me to arthur, a south african architectural master candidate. he's black, tall en speek british english. we go for shopping dvd at kota kembang and talk very much about anything.

one thing we argued is about giving some money to child beggar (street's child) en street musision. he confused why echi not allowed him to give money to the child but she gives money to the musician. for him it's show an unconsistency.

i explained, for me, that's reasonable. usually, i'm not give money to the child because i dont want them to be in street. i dont want to them to be a beggar. i usually give money to the musician as my appreciation to his very best effort. I give them when they plays/sings good, asking politely and i have some money to give. I give them the money but it doesnt mean i want them to be in street forever. deep in my side, i want have more peaceful trip.

see the different? i cant help my self when some nice music play...

1 comment:

Yessi Pratiwi Surya Budhi said...

Wah, tampak Arthur ini inspiratif ya :P