i never feel this blog as public media because no one read this blog except me... and sometime echi, so i decide to explore it as a journal, to reminds me about what i experience. this time, let take a while to see these photos:
(my desk when i was mt at domestic sales section)
(my desk today)
can you see the difference? not too much? that's it.
since a year ago, i feel that my life is stuck somewhere... i do happy, i experienced many things that very wonderful but somehow i feel that i'm not progressive enough to reach my dream. before contamined with this office politics and busy schedule, i was... hmm... more than today.
so this is my 2010 resolution.
1. live healthy
basically it needs 4 things: sport regularly, eat responsibly, kick out the unnecessary stress and keep our heart peaceful. At least, sport twice a week. I plan to do iftness again and play basket or golf regularly... Eat responsibly is more challenging, hehehe...
2. saving
3. start a business
(to be continued)
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