Saturday, November 24, 2007

d'fucking cowboy

do u know cowboy?
nope, we're not talking those lasso man riding horse, drunk in the desert, smoked marlboro and shooting wildly to their cows.
we're talking about a cafetaria at cisitu, bandung

at the beginning, it's going to be perfect. a complete menu, a cozy place, an affordable place to hangout looking some chicks with hotpant came from their boarding house. sounds like a heaven.

but. .
they, the management, became too proud of their success
and start forgetting the basic customer needs... a hospitality!!

that night, i came with my friend and ordered a kwetiau
it's common to give the customer a free drink like a cup of tea or just a glass of water, but that night i didn't get any water, even i had asked twice.
and after i finished eat, the water still didnt came up...
when i asked that matter to the waitress, they only innocently smile, without any apologies
it's happens many times to many customer
and i do realy know that many people thinks that it sucks

the fact is they loose many customers
come on, visit it at upper 7pm, it deserted... not empty but far from crowded
do the management realize this situation? or they need to facing a bankruptcy first?

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